
Total 138 Posts

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Choctaw Nation finalizes car tag compact, but larger tribal tag issues remain by Melissa Jacques & Steve Metzer OKLAHOMA CITY — Despite rising concerns about motorists with tribal tags not paying tolls on Oklahoma turnpikes, a bill addressing that issue stalled in committee on Tuesday. One of the loudest voices on

Chief Hoskin calls for car tag compact renewal as tribe distributes nearly $8M to over 100 public schools

Compact ends unless renewed by Governor or legislature in 2024 TULSA, Okla. — Cherokee Nation Principal Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr. told more than 100 public school educators Tuesday that renewal of the tribal-state car tag compact this year is critical to ensuring millions of dollars continue to flow to school districts,

Weekly Newsletter

U.S. Treasurer Chief Malerba gives keynote at Tribal Energy Equity Summit Tulsa, OK - Chief Lynn Malerba, the Treasurer of the United States delivered a keynote address yesterday at the Tribal Energy Equity Summit at RiverSpirit Casino in Tulsa, OK. Chief Malerba, who became the 18th chief of the

Tribal Council Unanimously Endorses Cherokee Nation, Oklahoma Tobacco Compact

TAHLEQUAH, Okla. — This week the Cherokee Nation and state of Oklahoma officially entered into a tribal-state compact governing tobacco sales. The compact will extend until March 1, 2034. “Over the years, compacts have served as a fundamental exercise of tribal sovereignty between the tribes and the state and exemplify the

Weekly Newsletter

Oklahoma task force looks to resolve tribal reservation safety issues without tribal nations by Molly Young, The Oklahoman A task force launched by Gov. Kevin Stitt will attempt to create a standard working agreement for state and tribal public safety agencies, but without any say from tribal leaders, at least

Weekly Newsletter

Clean energy dreams, realities highlighted at DOE tribal summit BY CHEZ OXENDINE There was an air of cautious optimism as the Department of Energy convened with tribal, business, and nonprofit leaders during the two-day Tribal Clean Energy Summit last week in Temecula, California. More than 700 participants gathered on Feb.

Weekly Newsletter

Tribal Nation leaders react following Stitt comments on McGirt, sovereignty By Lionel Ramos, Graycen Wheeler, Beth Wallis, Anna Pope, KOSU Stitt said McGirt v. Oklahoma has “rocked our state and caused division where previously there was none.” Principal Chief David Hill of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation disagreed in a statement
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