Total 165 Posts
Weekly Newsletter
Purcell Health Clinic celebrates two decades of service
PURCELL, Okla. – The 20th anniversary of the Chickasaw Nation Purcell Health Clinic will be commemorated during late October festivities.
The event is set for 2:30 p.m., Oct. 31 at the Purcell Area Service Center campus, 1438 Hardcastle Blvd.
The Purcell
Weekly Newsletter
Oklahoma City declares Indigenous Peoples' Day at First Americans Museum
Tribal citizens from across Oklahoma traveled to the First Americans Museum to celebrate their heritage on Indigenous Peoples Day.
By Katie Hallum
The event featured food, festivities and an announcement from Osage citizen and Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt.
Weekly Newsletter
Unique car tag agreement being discussed between Oklahoma, Cherokee Nation
Oklahoma has proposed a new car tag compact deal to save negotiations with the Cherokee Nation.
By Katie Hallum, KOSU
Gov. Kevin Stitt has proposed a potential two-compact deal with Cherokee Nation that would differ from the ones signed by
Weekly Newsletter
Muscogee Nation brings lawsuit against Alabama tribe back to federal court
The Muscogee Nation is appearing before a federal appeals court in Georgia demanding accountability from another tribe in Alabama.
KOSU | By Katie Hallum
The Muscogee Nation first filed a lawsuit against the Poarch Band of Creek Indians over their
Weekly Newsletter
Muscogee Nation holds events in honor of National Suicide Prevention Week
The events lasted from Sept. 9 to Sept. 12, and included free lectures and activities to educate citizens
by Thomas Jackson, Mvskoke Media
OKMULKEE, Oklv. – National Suicide Prevention Week took place in the United States, starting on Sept. 8
Weekly Newsletter
First American foster children need safe, nurturing homes
The Chickasaw Nation is calling attention to the need for additional foster care providers.
Joni Wellington, Chickasaw Nation Director of Family Preservation, says the supply of available foster homes does not meet the demand for children needing them.
“We are always needing
Weekly Newsletter
NOFO: Indian Affairs announces $1.4 million for tribal tourism grant program
By Tribal Business News Staff
The Bureau of Indian Affairs Office of Indian Economic Development announced the availability of $1.4 million for a grant program aimed at enhancing tribal tourism initiatives.
The funding, authorized under the Native