Season 2 05 August 2022
Native ChocTalk presents: “This Adopted Choctaw & Her Unfolding Story: Monica Brooks with Samantha Mietchen”
What do you think of when I say the word, “tribe”? Perhaps it means something like protection or social involvement or love and support (or all of the above)?
Many feel that the word, “tribe” stands for family, a group of people who love you, stand by you and want the best for you, blood related or not.
A tribe/family that is healthy and loving may mean being there for their niece’s soccer games, the aunts and uncles screaming in the stands as their little niece steals the ball from her opponent. They’re present for their grandson’s graduation from college as their crew takes up an entire section of the bleachers. They join together to mourn when one of their own is laid to rest. And they bream with pride watching their granddaughter walk down the aisle to her groom.
But what about those who don’t have their very own cheering section – their very own tribe? Is there a sense of never feeling like they quite belong?
My guest today, Monica Brooks opened my eyes to thoughts like these that I had never pondered before. And now I’ll never see things the same.
Although she was adopted as a baby, Monica was hurt, abused and discarded. She never felt like she had her own “tribe”. And furthermore, she didn’t even know she was Native American until someone made her aware.
This feeling of wanting to belong to a loving family left a hole in Monica’s spirit. Her eventual connection to the Choctaw tribe was the beginning of her journey to healing.
And later, a terminal illness inspired her to give her kids and grandkids the gift of a sense of belonging as well, to introduce them to the tribe that would be there long after she’s gone.
Monica’s daughter, Samantha also joins us to talk about another perspective - the trauma that can be passed down in situations like these, but also the healing that can come about as cycles are broken.
You may hear Monica’s story and gain a new appreciation for your family or your tribe. And for those who may have had a less than ideal experience in the foster care system or with their adoptive families, I hope you’ll find comfort in Monica’s story of courage and hope. She now helps others who have been through the same and wants them to know that there is life after pain.
(On another note, blessings to those who lovingly foster and adopt, giving children a chance to have their very own tribe!)
Today you’ll Monica talk about:
• The mystery of the first few unaccounted for months of her life
• How the game of hide-and-seek would prove or disprove that she was loved
• How her intuition was guiding her to the truth as her story unfolded
• The random way she went about finding her birth family
• How Monica found inspiration from her ancestors who survived the Trial of Tears
Yakoke, Monica for sharing your story and for inspiring others!
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