The holidays are coming and we have provided a list of Osage-owned businesses you can support this Christmas season
Written by Osage News Staff
The holidays are coming and we have provided a list of Osage-owned businesses you can support this Christmas season. These businesses offer a wide array of gifts that we’re sure will be the perfect gift for your loved ones. Most of the artists and businesses mentioned below are on social media if you want to make a custom order.
If you know of an Osage-owned business that needs to be on our list, please email us at osagenews@osagenation-nsn.gov or message us on social media.
Ah-Tha-Tse Catering – Give the gift of a delicious meal!
Big Rain Gallery – Give the gift of jewelry, apparel, artwork and more!
Bird Creek Nutrition – Gift the gift of Energy & Health! Birdcreek Nutrition, located in downtown Pawhuska, provides a wide array of healthy, great-tasting shakes and energy teas with proper nutrition.

Visit their website at https://www.facebook.com/BirdCreekNutritionPawhuska or call at (918) 883-1264
Bonnie Pratt, Moccasins and Beadwork – (918) 287-6428
Cody Hammer Photography – Give the gift of professional photography! Buy sessions for a friend or family or schedule your own.
Dancingbluestone – Handmade jewelry by TL Salisbury. Silverwork, turquoise, rings, hats, necklaces, bracelets, brooches and more!
Call (562) 760-5573 or email at tlynn@elcholo.com Check out their website at www.dancingbluestone.com
Dante Biss-Grayson Osage Artist and Fashion Designer – Art available at http://dantebissgrayson.faso.com/Commissions available!Sky-Eagle Collection: https://www.skyeaglecollection.com/ Sky-Eagle Collection T-Shirts: 50% of the Proceeds go to MMIW Advocacy Groups https://represent.com/store/sky-eagle-collection/
Ekowah Coffee – Osage owned + Socially Conscious + Delicious Roasted Coffee
The Fairfax Chief – Give the gift of a paid subscription!

Gaga’s Creations – Screen printing and embroidery. Shawls, blankets, skirts, bags, and more! Phone: (918) 698-8897 Email: gagascreations18@gmail.com
Hair Razors – give the gift of a makeover! Hair, Nails, Shellac, Acrylic, Manicures, Pedicures, Eye Lash extensions, cuts, colors, perms, waxing, Retail items in stock, Spray tan. https://www.facebook.com/Hairrazors3434/
Joe Don Brave, Art and Merchandise – Give the gift of art! https://joedonbraveart.com/
Lux Babes – Give the gift of designer baby clothes! https://www.facebook.com/minasboutique18/
Mudpies 2 – A gift shop located in downtown Pawhuska that offers chic home décor, clothing and cooking wares. Call them at (918) 287-3900 or visit their store at 537 Leahy Street. Visit their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/mudpies/?ref=page_internal
Osage Nation Foundation – All proceeds benefit the Osage Nation Foundation for the Osage citizenry. Christmas ornaments, limited edition Pendleton blankets, Osage Nation flags, hats and more. https://www.osagefoundation.org/
Osage Nation Visitors Center – located at 602 E. Main St. in Pawhuska, on the corner of Lynn Avenue and Main Street. For more information visit their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/OsageVisitorsCenter Call them at (918) 287-0005 or email them at visitorscenter@osagenation-nsn.gov
Osage News 2022 Calendars – The Osage News 2022 Calendar is filled with photos from our coverage of the Inlonshka. Reserve your calendar by calling (918) 287-5668 or email us at osagenews@osagenation-nsn.gov. They are $15 a piece. You can also message us on Facebook!
Osage Trading Company – Native American Tobacco, Pendleton Blankets, Native American Jewelry, Shawls, BEX Sunglasses, Hy-O Silver Jewelry, Native American Traditional Items.

Sarah Megyn Kelley, Mary Kay Cosmetics Consultant – Give the gift of cosmetics and facial care! https://www.marykay.com/Skelley9614?fbclid=IwAR3yS6YRYpt7vpgDvdFx0WEznhZXBNEkv7hMrccD6BbkH15nKwdAJsVNmY8
Star Bar LLC – Delicious buttery Toffee treats topped with pecans. Flavors are Toffee, Chocolate, and Cinnamon. (918) 857-5158, email: starbarforyou@gmail.com
Spurs and Arrows – All things Osage County! Tees, Caps, Purses, Jewelry, Souvenirs, Pendleton & Home Goods. https://www.facebook.com/spursandarrows/
Sunny Slope Boutique – Women’s Clothing store. https://www.facebook.com/sunnyslopeboutique/
Supernaw’s Oklahoma Indian Supply – A Native American owned and operated business since 1969 specializing in seed beads, cut beads, beading supplies, leather, silver jewelry, Native American http://supernaws.com/
Tim’s Midtown Diner – Give the gift of a delicious meal!
Waterbird Gallery – The Water Bird Gallery features Native American Art, turquoise jewelry, new and vintage Native American clothing/items, cedar chests, gifts and more! https://www.facebook.com/TheWaterBirdGallery/

We.ome.pe Designs, Art and Jewelry – Give the gift of Osage-themed jewelry! Online store, jewelry, apparel, everything is 15% off until Dec. 7. https://www.weomepedesigns.com/
Give the gift of literature by purchasing one of these books by Osage authors:
“The Deaths of Sybil Bolton,” by Dennis McAuliffe Jr.
“Colonial Entanglement,” by Jean Dennison
“A Calm & Normal Heart,” by Chelsea Hicks
“Maria Tallchief: America’s Prima Ballerina,” by Larry Kaplan, Maria Tallchief
“The Osage Timeline,” by Lou Brock
“Like a Hurricane: The Indian Movement from Alcatraz to Wounded Knee,” by Paul Chaat Smith and Robert Warrior
“The People and the Word: Reading Native Nonfiction,” by Robert Warrior
“Wedding Clothes and the Osage Community: A Giving Heritage,” by Daniel C. Swan and Jim Cooley
“A Pipe for February,” by Charles Red Corn
“The Osages,” by John Joseph Mathews
“Osage Dictionary,” by Carolyn Quintero
“Osage Indian Bands and Clans,” by Louis F. Burns
Children’s Books
“Frybread for Addie,” by Mindy Standley
“Addie, Be Brave,” by Mindy Standley
“There’s a Puppy in the Pantry,” by James Cosby
“I Adopted an Alligator,” by James Cosby
“Coyote and the Bear,” by Osage Language Department. Available at the Osage Nation Visitors Center for $15.
If there is an Osage-owned business left off this list, please send the information to osagenews@osagenation-nsn.gov.