On this episode I have indigenous artist Kirk Morrison join us as we talk about where he’s from, his artwork, NFT talk, the metaverse and of course jiu jitsu. Check out kirks linktree right here https://linktr.ee/kirkfromoklahoma and follow him on all social medias.
I want to let you know about my sponsor Southwest Trading Company if you have not heard or been to southwest trading company you need to go check their store out at 1306 E 11th Street, Tulsa Oklahoma! They have so many items from different artists from all over. They have Jewelry, art, blankets, cedar boxes, clothing, collectibles I mean you can spend hours in this store just searching for the perfect gift for yourself or loved ones. So head on over yo southwest trading company and let them know Russ from okie podcast sent ya!
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If you would like to sponsor okie podcast you can contact me by email russell.suneagle88@gmail.com you can also visit my website www.okiepodcast.com or look for me on social media on instagram @okiepodcast & @russthemuss and also on the okie podcast facebook page as well. thanks for listening
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