The Chickasaw license plate compact between the Chickasaw Nation and state of Oklahoma was recently renewed, offering a new auto pay feature to Chickasaw citizens.

For the last 10 years, the Chickasaw Nation and the state of Oklahoma have had an agreement for Chickasaw citizens to drive in Oklahoma and on any U.S. Road with Chickasaw license plates on their vehicles.

Chickasaws living in Oklahoma can be issued a motor vehicle tag with the tribe’s own design. In addition to Chickasaw citizens being recognized by their own tribal tag, the Chickasaw Nation has provided more than $20 million in rebates to non-commercial vehicles driving the roadways.

“These tags offer Chickasaw citizens a very visible way to demonstrate their pride in being Chickasaw, while keeping funding for schools, roads, state employee retirement, wildlife conservation and other state programs intact,” Chickasaw Nation Governor Bill Anoatubby said.

While paying the same fees as any other Oklahoman, Chickasaw citizens receive at least a 22% rebate from the Chickasaw Nation for new tags and tag renewal.

In 2024, the compact with Oklahoma was renewed for another 10 years.

Chickasaw citizens participating in the motor vehicle tag program may receive rebates from the tribe via an electronic direct deposit feature. This is accomplished through a collaboration of the Chickasaw Nation and J.P. Morgan Chase Bank.

Chickasaw citizens receive the rebate after purchasing a Chickasaw license plate at state licensed tag agencies located throughout Oklahoma. Citizens must provide their citizenship card at the agency at the time of purchase.

After the purchase, a rebate will be issued for the license plate fees and taxes. This is a continual benefit that is applied at every registration renewal or payment of excise tax.

To receive the direct deposit payment, participants must register for the J.P. Morgan/Concourse program. The auto pay feature allows all future rebates to go directly to the user’s bank account without manually accepting reimbursement for each new tag or renewal.

While rebates only apply to motor vehicles, other Chickasaw tags include travel trailers and mobile homes. Tags can be customized online at Oklahoma. gov. A special form must be completed and there is an additional $20 cost. These plates have a seven-character maximum. In 30 to 60 days (four to six weeks), participants will receive their new vanity plates in the mail.

Individuals with a verified physical disability can receive a disabled Chickasaw plate at no charge if it is their first plate.

The Chickasaw license plates are bright blue and depict the Chickasaw warrior statue as sculpted by late renowned artist and former Seminole Nation Principal Chief Enoch Kelly Haney.

The original compact was signed in October 2014 with former Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin. Governor Fallin expressed that the compact was another example of the state of Oklahoma working together with the Chickasaw Nation on a project that benefits both the tribe and the state. The first Chickasaw Nation vehicle tags were issued in early 2015.

Governor Anoatubby also expressed his excitement about the motor vehicle tags.

“We are pleased to work with the state to offer Chickasaw Nation license plates,” Governor Anoatubby said.

For more information about the motor vehicle tag program and how to register for a rebate, call (580) 272-5798 or visit LicensePlate.