Native Oklahoma

Total 711 Posts
  • Jenks, OK

Blues Traveler Comes to Oklahoma Downstream Casino Resort

by Ryann Gordon Blues Traveler band is coming to Oklahoma on Nov. 16 at Downstream Casino Resort in Quapaw, OK. Along with their harmonica-led, jam-band style, rock and blues hits popularized in the ‘90s and 2000’s, Blues Traveler will be hosting a show unlike any they’ve done before,

November 2023 issue

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UNITY Delegates Secure Lead Roles in 2023 White House Tribal Youth Forum

Native youth will engage with national leaders to help strengthen partnerships with Tribal Nations and Native communities Mesa, Ariz. – United National Indian Tribal Youth (UNITY) — in conjunction with the Center for Native American Youth at the Aspen Institute — is proud to participate in the 2023 White House Tribal Youth Forum

The Black Magic of Credit Scores

by Fus Yvhikv Do you know your credit score? More importantly, do you know HOW your credit score is calculated? I can answer that question for you because nobody knows how our credit scores are actually calculated. The only people who know how our credit score is computed are the

Cherokee Nation, Department of Veteran Affairs celebrate historic agreement for veteran care in Vinita

VINITA, Okla. — The Cherokee Nation and Eastern Oklahoma VA Health Care System on Thursday celebrated a historic agreement that will provide a VA clinic inside the tribe’s Vinita Health Center for area veterans. The tribe is providing around 1,300 square feet of leased space for the VA clinic,

Chickasaw Nation Marks Hotel Topping Off at OKANA Resort & Indoor Waterpark

Officials provide update on construction progress on resort set to open in 2025 OKLAHOMA CITY – Chickasaw Nation Governor Bill Anoatubby joined other tribal leaders and Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt today in providing an update on construction during the hotel topping off event at the site of the OKANA Resort

Comanche Cares' Annual Toy Drive Returns for Third Consecutive Year

Donations to benefit Southern Oklahoma families and children  LAWTON, Okla. – Comanche Cares, a community giving initiative by Comanche Nation Entertainment, is hosting its annual Toy Drive, an annual tradition that spreads joy and goodwill throughout the holiday season. The Toy Drive benefits families and children in need in Southern Oklahoma,
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